Is PermaCash really free?

Our mission is to provide an App for people in need of additional source of income, by bridging digital advertising to the blockchain with the help of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Users, irrespective of their geographical location and age, can earn passive income without having to buy the token or make any financial investment! They can simply choose to be users who earn passive income by engaging with the apps of our ecosystem.

How can i start earning as a user?

All you need is an internet connection, an electronic device (iOS or Android) and time.

How can i withdraw earned Crypto?

Withdrawals take place on the blockchain so users don't need a bank account or access to PayPal or any such platform. What you need is a crypto wallet which can be safely set up for free in just a few minutes.

What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

Minimum withdrawal amount is 10$, after your balance is equal or over 10$ you can request a withdrawal and monitor withdrawal status in Withdrawal History. We have 0.3$ withdrawal fee (blockchain transaction fee) which is irrespective of withdrawal amount, it means you pay same 0.3$ withdrawal fee in case of withdrawing both 500$ and 10$.

Last updated